
Human and animal rights

 | Post date: 2022/05/29 | 

Ethics in Animal Research

Ethical Policies for Animal Research in Scientific Journals: Detailed Guidelines for Compliance in Plant Biotechnology Persa

To ensure adherence to ethical standards in animal research, reputable international and Iranian journals implement specific policies. Below are the key points to be followed by researchers when conducting studies and preparing manuscripts for submission to Plant Biotechnology Persa:

The Three Rs Principle

Reduction: Minimize the number of animals used without compromising the scientific integrity of the study. 

Refinement: Enhance experimental procedures to alleviate pain, stress, and discomfort for the animals. 

Replacement: Opt for alternative methods such as cell cultures or computer simulations wherever possible to replace the use of live animals.


Ethics Committee Approval

All studies involving animals must obtain prior approval from an ethics committee, such as the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

Adherence to Ethical Standards

Experiments must be designed and conducted with the aim of minimizing harm and pain to animals.

Conflict of Interest

 Researchers should avoid any financial or personal conflicts of interest that could affect the study's objectivity and integrity.

Animal Care and Welfare

Provide optimal health conditions, including adequate temperature, lighting, ventilation, and access to food and water, throughout the study.

Transparent Reporting

Comprehensive and accurate reporting of the entire research process is required, detailing the number of animals used, experimental methods, and findings to ensure reproducibility and transparency.

Termination of Experiments in Cases of Severe Pain

   - Experiments should be immediately halted if animals experience intolerable pain, and humane euthanasia should be performed following international guidelines.

Humane Euthanasia

Implement humane methods of euthanasia to ensure a painless death for animals, in line with international standards and guidelines.

Ethical Statement

Manuscripts must include a declaration confirming adherence to ethical principles and the acquisition of necessary approvals from ethics committees.

Compliance with International Standards

The journal requires authors to follow established guidelines such as ARRIVE and IACUC to improve the quality and transparency of biomedical and animal research.

ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments): This guideline helps researchers provide clear and detailed reporting of animal experiments, covering aspects such as methodology, experimental variables, and the number and type of animals used. It aims to ensure the reliability of research findings and reduce unnecessary duplication of experiments involving animals.

 IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee): The IACUC oversees the ethical use of animals in research, reviewing and approving study proposals involving animals and monitoring compliance with animal welfare standards. It ensures ethical treatment and minimizes harm to animals during the research process.

Regular Monitoring

An independent ethics committee must regularly monitor the implementation of these policies, providing necessary updates and improvements.

These comprehensive ethical policies aim to uphold the welfare of animals in scientific studies, enhance the quality of published research, and maintain the integrity and credibility of the journal's contributions. Researchers are encouraged to adhere strictly to these guidelines, ensuring responsible and ethical conduct in their scientific endeavors.

Ethics in Human Research

This study was conducted in full compliance with ethical principles and clinical trial standards, adhering to internationally recognized declarations such as the Helsinki Declaration and the guidelines of ethics committees in biomedical research. Every stage of the study’s design, execution, and data analysis was meticulously planned and implemented with the primary aim of safeguarding the rights and health of the participants. The specific measures taken are outlined below:
Ethics Committee Review and Approval
The research protocol was reviewed and approved by an ethics committee before the commencement of the study. Any modifications during the research process were subject to additional review and approval by the committee.
Informed Consent
Before the start of the study, participants were fully informed about the purpose, procedures, potential benefits, and risks of the research. Written informed consent was obtained, ensuring that participants made an independent and well-informed decision to take part in the study.
Ensuring Participant Safety and Well-being
The safety of participants was prioritized throughout all phases of the study. Continuous monitoring of their health status was conducted, with any adverse effects promptly identified and managed. Appropriate measures were taken to protect the participants' health in case of any risk.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Personal information of participants was collected with strict confidentiality and analyzed anonymously. Only authorized researchers had access to this data, ensuring the privacy of individuals and preventing any identity disclosure.
Right to Withdraw
Participants were given the freedom to withdraw from the study at any stage without any concern about their access to medical care or treatment rights being affected.
Conflict of Interest Management
Researchers were obligated to declare any potential conflicts of interest to ensure that the research outcomes were not influenced by external factors, thereby maintaining the objectivity and impartiality of the study.
By rigorously adhering to these standards, this study has aimed to uphold the highest ethical standards and prioritize the protection of participants' rights and health throughout the research process.

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