About Journal

Plant Biotechnology Persa (PBP) is an open-access peer-reviewed biannual international journal published by the Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Iran, devoted to the fields of medicinal plants, biotechnology, and toxicology. The journal focuses on the research, teaching, and application of medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases and all fields of biotechnology and toxicology. Plant Biotechnology Persa (PBP) is the intersection between medicinal plants, biotechnologyand toxicology. This international journal publishes manuscripts in the fields of medicinal plants and biotechnology. This journal aims to reach all relevant national and international medical institutions and persons in the electronic version free of charge.

Aims and Scope:

The journal of Plant Biotechnology Persa (PBP) is an online peer-reviewed international journal that aims to promote all fields of medicinal plants such as herbal drugs, bioactive compounds, green chemistry, phytomedicine, phytochemistry, ethno-botany, ethno-pharmacology, ethno-medicine, phyto-pharmacology, pharmacognosy, clinical, pharmacological, pharmacokinetic, and toxicological studies of specified herbal medicinal products, herbal preparations, plant physiology, toxicology, and purified compounds as well as all aspects of biotechnology. The effects of herbs in the treatment of diseases in animal models are also within the aims and scope of the journal.

Article Processing Charge:

No article processing charge (APC) is required to publish in the journal of  Plant Biotechnology Persa (PBP). 


Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Plant Biotechnology Persa follows the policies and guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Indexing and Abstracting:

Plant Biotechnology Persa is indexed in CABI (Global Health & CABI Abstracts), EBSCO, Chemical Abstract Services (CAS)DOAJIslamic World Science Citation Center (ISC),  Agris (FAO), Google Scholar, CrossRef, Miar, Index Copernicus, WorldCat, Publons, UlrichWeb, etc.