Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2024)                   pbp 2024, 6(2): 95-102 | Back to browse issues page

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Mami S, Veisi K, Azizian H, Mami S, Noorikia P, Mohamadi G et al . Investigating the Impact of a polyherbal Syrup Containing Licorice, Peppermint, and Chamomile Extracts on Inflammation and Peptic Ulcers in Male Rats. pbp 2024; 6 (2) :95-102
URL: http://pbp.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-255-en.html
1- Department of Laboratory and Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, ilam university, Ilam, Iran , s.mami@ilam.ac.ir
2- Department of Microbiology, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran
3- Phd of Comparative Histology, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran
4- Assistant Professor of Medical Immunology, Ilam University of Medical Science ,Ilam ,Iran
5- Department of Microbiology , Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Iran
6- Department of Microbiology, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Iran
Abstract:   (389 Views)
Objective: Peptic ulcers result from erosion of the stomach's protective lining and excessive secretion of gastric acid, causing pain, inflammation and, in severe cases, bleeding. Conventional treatments, including antibiotics and surgery, are often associated with side effects and significant economic burden. In traditional medicine, medicinal plants are valued for their anti-inflammatory and protective properties. This study aims to evaluate the combined effect of hydroalcoholic extracts of three plants on peptic ulcer healing compared to the effects of each extract administered individually.
Method: In this study, licorice, peppermint, and chamomile medicinal plants were obtained from the Zagros Mountains of Ilam Province. After authentication, their extracts were obtained using Soxhlet extraction method. A total of 49 male rats were then divided into seven groups with gastric ulcers induced by administration of aspirin and Helicobacter. The animals were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine and then euthanized according to ethical guidelines. The stomachs were then excised, ulcers quantified, and tissue samples prepared and fixed for macroscopic and histologic analysis.
Results: According to the results, the chamomile and peppermint group showed slow healing of the stomach ulcers by day 21. The deeper parts of the ulcers remained unhealed, and the gastric tissue continued to show signs of inflammation and bleeding. In the licorice treated group, a more pronounced recovery was observed on day 21 compared to the chamomile and peppermint groups. While some wounds had healed, the deeper parts remained unhealed. Epitheliogenesis and tissue repair were more advanced than in other groups. In the polyherbal treated group, a relative and acceptable improvement of the gastric wall tissue was observed by day 21 with the herbal combination. Healing and epitheliogenesis were well advanced, with recovery approaching that of Recolic treated group. However, some areas still contained inflammatory cells and blood vessels.
Conclusion: Overall, it can be concluded that polyherbal compounds have the potential to aid in the healing of peptic ulcers. Ongoing research and further investigation into the improvement and efficacy of these treatments may contribute to the development of more effective therapeutic strategies for peptic ulcers.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical
Received: 2024/03/20 | Accepted: 2024/09/14 | Published: 2024/09/21

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